I’ll Become the Tyrant’s Tutor
I was ready to give this a 3 star but then they crammed a very information heavy ending into 1-2 chapters and I'm pissed. The pacing has been fine, the mystery was good, and everyones a dumbass in their own rightful way. Then you give me that (SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS) "Oh I was that person and her soul went into my body then I reincarnated back here as her reincarnated! Who'd of thunk!" and the male lead who should literally remember none of that for ANY reason remembers it too, la-de-da everything goes peaceful, all the friends not friends she made along the way wishes her well, they're married at the end and share their first kiss in the 83 fucking chapters *I'm LIVID.* It's not like they'd gone over limit it really was, ham fisted "It's done, end it now." ending FFS. And you mean to tell me that he didn't realize it was her? ARE YOU AN IDIOT?! They look the same, just their colors swapped!! Hell even I presumed she was a reincarnation but I'm just MIFFED. (ALL DONE ALL DONE) The buildup and progression of the story is fine. You get a bit invested with these characters as long as you get past their vacant doll faces with hard to do expressions. Seriously they're so flat. They obviously slip into the typical tropes but hey originality is hard these days. I can't say I'd recommend this to anyone, unfortunately. I read the whole thing but sincerely it had me feeling nice right up until that rushed ending. Now I'm left with disappointment that they did me dirty like this, at the end of all things.
The Price of Breaking Up
Most of the characters are pretty token examples and currently it's just a revenge story with a bunch of reverse harem potential eye candy. EDIT 2/27: While things have gotten better now that she is out of the palace *I despise that prince and the way they handled that relationship exceptionally so. Which likely means it's well written but it was just so unnecessarily toxic of two overtly proud and unconversing individuals.* Pope guy is good, secret guard guy is a homie, brother is true bro, can't wait to meet mom and dad, and I hope the bitch that lied her way into the palace is regretting getting stuck with that guy. LET ALFREDO RULE, THE SAUCY CHAP!! New Flash - Alfredo has literally been MIA for the last, like, 30 chapters. I feel slighted.
The Villain Dreams Of The Heroine Every Night
Love these idiots oh my god.
Secret Alliance
This poor woman got ripped through the ringer but I earnestly didn't see how this would pan out and I'm extremely content with the ending. My one grievance would be I WISH THERE WAS MORE AFTER STORY.
I Wont Accept Your Regrets
TOP TIER STRONG FEMALE LEAD RIGHT HERE, PEOPLE!! She has the backstory, she has the motive, she has the growth and decline AND THE WILLINGNESS TO MAKE HARD DECISIONS AND RESIST HER URGES!! THIS IS HOW YOU WRITE A NON PHYSICALLY STRONG STRONG FEMALE LEAD! And you root for her! Now the male lead?! EVEN BETTER. I HATE HIM, BUT I ALSO CAN'T! He's a douche and he acknowledges he's a douche but you side with the female lead but then you see his efforts to try and amend things, to show sincerity, AND IT TUGS AT YOUR HEART STRINGS BUT YOU KNOW ITS FUCKED! BEST PART? SO DOES SHE!! SO SHE DOESN'T JUST FALL BACK INTO THAT!!!! GOD IT'S SO GOOD!!
I Am Trying to Divorce My Villainous Husband, but We Have a Child
Second Life of a Trash Princess
God what a girl boss. I hope things go well for them. May the dad fucking properly apologize, may the pretty boy figure his shit out, may the witch get clarity and vengeance in a way that doesn't screw over society, and MAY THE BROTHER CONTINUE TO BE A BRAT.
I'm Too Lazy To Be The Villain