Pocchari Kanojo to Sweet Kareshi Anata to Toroama Sxercise
Selected to Serve in the Red-Light District
I don't like the mood of these. The first one feels hella rapey and stockholm syndrome. I was uncomfortable, but that's personally. The second shorter story makes a little more sense, still rapey but not stockholm so that pulls it outta the one star category.
Isekai Trip Sex
VERY SUDDEN? THEN IT ENDS. The array of loose ends planted into this one shot is ridiculous and it sincerely doesn't feel like the payout was worth it? I don't know, it's a short one shot so if you're a completionist go for it.
This Cheapskate Knight Wants to Make Me Cry
I'm still mad that it's technically stockholm. He legit kidnapped the kid and made him cry for financial gain and then it became real feelings. Like, hate to say it, but this isn't the happy little story it's trying to paint past that point!!
Your wish is my command
Gods I called all the tropes from the get go - cute love interest turns out to by a troubled bad guy who makes things worse, side lover/relief/support is killed by said love interest, and main character goes through torture arc trying to fix whatever they can. First 3 chapters I called it to a near T. Just because my prediction is spot on doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it though! Perhaps it could garner my attention more but as it is it's perfectly fine, a fun magical girl trope that did genuinely kink my plotline as it took me by surprise, and honestly the arts great and the transformations and smut are mwah- magnifique.
Torokeru Yajuu Ouji -Katsute no Tenshi ha GachiMuchi Body-