Ibitsu na Boku wo Douka Aishite
It's super fucked up and I legit wasn't expecting it. I'm relieved I didn't read the tags because I would NOT have read this typically. It's super psychological and involves rape so if either of those are instant red flags don't touch this one because it's practically the basis of this one shot.
Risou no Koibito Himemiya-kun
Ookami-sama no Ichizu na Bouai
I can't so no to essentially a werewolf, I JUST CAN'T. God this was so cute and sappy it hit all my happy marks~
Crush and Burn
The Tiger Who Swallowed The Moon
To be frank? I'm annoyed. I got to chapter 14 and I was bored out of my mind so I jumped about to chapter 25 and then 38 and you know what? The plot barely moved and I vaguely still understood it. I don't like either of the romance men because they're making stupid ass decisions, I don't understand how they got so intimate so quick, HE STILL CALLS HIM MISTER AT CHAPTER 40 FFS HE HAS A NAME. I don't know I'm not finishing this one I'm over it.
Hold Me Tight
Amazing for the time it came out! AND NOT BLURRED!! A savior falls unto us!
Ore wo Mamoru to Chikatteyo