Usagi to Neko no Hatsujou Jijou
While it is a one shot I wish it wasn't. Not in the sense I WANTED more but it's incredibly rushed. They do a good job of setting up the scenario and giving it story so you're invested in the characters, which is unlike one shots typically. But this scenario also leads to having less panels to get the message across clearly and with flow. In short, while good, it's also hurting itself by trying to be story driven with a constraint on story telling space.
Secret Mating Rituals of the Jungle Dwelling Dog-like Indigenous Men
Isekai Trip Sex
VERY SUDDEN? THEN IT ENDS. The array of loose ends planted into this one shot is ridiculous and it sincerely doesn't feel like the payout was worth it? I don't know, it's a short one shot so if you're a completionist go for it.
Developmental BL Anthology