Lie or Truth
The romance of it was very immediate after a certain point but it's cute, mushy, heart felt, slightly stalkerish, and then just hard and smutty. So I lived. If it spaced it out with more chapters to feel out the characters I'd 5 star this but just because it was short and rushed but they still managed to make it sincere and flush the characters and actions out I'll give it a 4~
Isekai no Boukun Outaishi ni Metorare Soudesu!? ~Tensei Majo wa Kuroki Ookami ni Kyuuaisareru~
Cute, super rushed. Kinda wish there was more to it but eh it was still pleasant.
Dawn of the Dragon
Top tier. I thought the man was getting a lil dragon out that shadow but NO A BEEFIER MAN WITH SO MANY DEPRESSING ISSUES STEPPED OUT AND I WANT TO CODDLE HIM AND SWADDLE HIM AND GIVE HIM THE BEST COOKIES AND WATCH ALL OF HARRY POTTER AND LORD OF THE RINGS BACK TO BACK WHILE HE CRIES AND I PAT HIM GOOD CAUSE HE BEST BOY FUCK THE NAY SAYERS!! No, all seriousness, this is really good narrative. I feel like they could have extended the time and built up some more of their roommate narrative but I know they've probably got a lot to cram in to this and perhaps a chapter limit (but that's just a theory!) so I'm hoping we get more good times. Very few times do we get some good smut with good story. They've gone beyond to set the stage and I am enthralled to see more!
The Villain Dreams Of The Heroine Every Night
Love these idiots oh my god.
Secret Alliance
This poor woman got ripped through the ringer but I earnestly didn't see how this would pan out and I'm extremely content with the ending. My one grievance would be I WISH THERE WAS MORE AFTER STORY.
Biting the Tiger
I enjoyed this but the further I got the more likely I was to skim panels to the point I skimmed almost the entire chapter. I'm not sure if the uploads themselves are disjointed or if that's how the reading goes but it was sometimes jarring moving from chapter to chapter because it wasn't commonly what was just occurring, sometimes not even related to what was occurring. My other gripe is the development of this relationship. Like the jumping chapters don't help this issue but I feel like their relation started off well, sorta overly emotional if you ask me but it's workable. There is growth, there is progression- aaandd they're together. Now they're apart? Now they're together again. I'm lost. They had the minimal build and then they were just jettisoned together like magnets. It didn't help that the 'relationship' blossomed on the idea of reincarnation mind you. It's not the reincarnation that's the problem- the fact that they exemplified that he was the reincarnation of that asymmetrical butterfly with the weird wings via his strange mole placement that I hadn't questioned once? TOP TIER. LOVE THAT. CRIED. But they glance over something that should really have been looked into and considered further, on more then even a emotional level. If they had more developmental time and didn't just shove everyone to the side character corner of dismay? Easily 4-5 star.
Absolutely Ruined Love