Heads up, this is a toxic psychological nightmare of smut, non-con and gore. DO NOT READ THIS AS A LIGHT ROMP. P.S - The guy who transforms? HE DESERVES THE FUCKING WORLD. EASILY THE BEST CHARACTER. That being said, considering that's not the genre I'm usually interested in this is FASCINATING. Mind you I'd like this even more if it did turn into a romance thing but the fact is that's highly unlikely as it is a adaptation of a novel. The MC is forced to inhabit with powerful insane beings who don't even treat him as a human being while he tries to maintain his sanity and his morals. I find it all darkly wondrous. Not in the "I wish that were me" but more so "What a plot! Glad it's just a story!"
In Her Fifth Life, the Villainess Lives With the Evil Dragon -The Evil Dragon of Ruin Wants to Spoil His Bride-
Love when it's not a full blown human. BISH GOT WITH A DRAGON!!
Ookami-sama no Ichizu na Bouai
I can't so no to essentially a werewolf, I JUST CAN'T. God this was so cute and sappy it hit all my happy marks~
Crush and Burn
The Tiger Who Swallowed The Moon
To be frank? I'm annoyed. I got to chapter 14 and I was bored out of my mind so I jumped about to chapter 25 and then 38 and you know what? The plot barely moved and I vaguely still understood it. I don't like either of the romance men because they're making stupid ass decisions, I don't understand how they got so intimate so quick, HE STILL CALLS HIM MISTER AT CHAPTER 40 FFS HE HAS A NAME. I don't know I'm not finishing this one I'm over it.
The Tyrant Wants To Live Honestly