Bossy Bottoms on Top
Hit on By a Kinky Guy
It's interesting. I hated the start, because he was so gullible and I am not a fan of rape reads. Yet I've continuously read this as it's been updated. But then it became more than that. You know how smut and story telling don't mix? THIS ONE GOT IT RIGHT. The plot veers from rape to regret and admonishment, both of their personalities REALLY show through. There is pleading, bribing, blackmail, but along side it is cuteness, genuine feelings, comedy? It's containing tons of things in one basket and handling it WELL! I've still not managed to get to the 5 star point just yet because, as I said before, the rape aspect was putting me off. But because of how genuine it's being I bumped it up to 4 stars for the time being. Even if you're not a fan of rape/kinks I recommend this one if you're able to get past it.
Love in the Underworld
It's fine I'm not over the moon invested in these characters and the plot is pretty generic but what can ya do?
Finding Camellia