Fraise's manga / #Webtoon(1)

Raising a Bat

Complete | Jade | 2015 released
2016-07-31 06:37 marked
Tags: Webtoon

This is slowly getting worse and worse, it's so frustrating!!! Ahhhh I hope this turns around soon >_< edit: what the fuck I don't even know what to say at this point, it just got so real. I keep reading cause it's like watching a plane crash... T_T Oh fuck I've made it to the other side, I had like thirty fucking chapters to catch up on and boy was that some nightmare like what the fuck happened to this story? I remember the first ten or so chapters being really good and then it just got like fucked by drama and the translation is a bit weird and everything is just so confusing and annoying AHHHHH I skimmed to get to the end and I'll read the updates but honestly fuck this manga (just a bit)