Legs That Won't Walk
The art is HOT to be honest. A daddy mafia and a tough boxer, I feel bad for Suyeong being hit by his lover. Looks can be really deceiving. It's satisfying to see Taesung treating him gently regardless of his position in the mafia.
The Perfect Relationship
It's disturbing to be honest, there is an element of suicide, rape and abuse. I'm really uncomfortable with the idea of getting it on with someone who raised you. Regardless of their blood-relation it feels mentally wrong.
Love me More
I really love this, at first I was a bit uncomfortable that their neighbor is a rapist and is unable to even love normally. It was poetic on how the ended was portrayed that he didn't deserver to love anyone if that's how he was going to show it. The couple is the real deal as well, the event only made them stronger and made their love grew even more. Not all couples progress fast as them as well, it's hard to open up to the person you are with no matter how you look at it, I relate to Tom in a way. In my current relationship I am the one who is loved. And I relate to Jaemin in a way I used to be the one giving all the love. Either way, I'm glad I read this definitely would recommend it.
Save Me
So it's BL for me (Brother's Love) I must be insane how it feels pleasurable to see the bullies go down one by one. It's the sense of justice you feel when someone is finally being punished for the wrong doings they have been doing. I especially like how poetic the ending was for their ring leader. I mean yeah you have issues man and now you're in his shoes for once. I like how in the end it revealed why they looked alike or how he was drawn to him at first.
Jazz for two
God, this was so gorgeous. I love the concept of Jazz thrown into the mix. Loveable side-couples as well, the biggest plot twist was how Taejun's lover is the reason for his death. The part where he smiled and seemed okay was signs of his depression already and it's so sad how one person affected everyone in their lives. I'm looking forward for this artist's future creations.
Ore ni Notte Ikimasenka
Shucchou Host Nyu Boy
Some of the scenes were hella deep, especially when he asked if he was normal. I was in tears during that panel. Also, the mixer and dildo mix-up was super hilarious