Nicholas Hale's manga / #Hardcore(6)

Under Grand Hotel

Complete | sadahiro mika | 2003 released

Bousou Kareshi

Complete | sakira | 2009 released
2015-12-06 08:22 marked

Hatsujou Kareshi

Complete | SAKIRA | 2000 released

Sailor Danshi

Complete | SAKIRA | 2010 released
2015-12-06 08:24 marked

Oshioki Gakuen

Ongoing | Guren Naomi | 2006 released

I can see why a lot of people wouldn't like this, but I laughed so hard at this, plus it was sexy. One of the funniest smut I've read so far. Something I disliked was I felt sorry for the main uke for a while, but I'm not sure if he minded. It was funny as hell though, but it's just smut. No real plot, no real romance.

Gintama dj - Kabe

Complete | Paraiso,Harada | 2013 released

Imo, while a lot of people agree this is the most fucked up thing Harada has created, I found the torture/rape scene in Yoru no Asa to be much worse. My head was pulsing when I read that shit because I was so scared and so sad. But this, tbh, I can definitely fap to. Maybe it's because I don't know the characters that well.