The Male Lead’s Nephew Loves Me So Much
Chap 14 Transmigration into villainous, obsessed with duke, DeathFlag Returns the previous kings heir to his uncle the duke Tried to hide she was the one who found the child She can see the future when looking into the dukes eyes
Neck and Neck
Ex-Husband Wants To Marry Again
Alpha forced his boyfriend, an alpha, to take experimental drugs to turn into omega Chap 47 He has both alpha and omega pheromones He grows hate, alpha threats his friends, can’t escape
Did It Work
Devil on Top
Chap 25 Demon x human servant They have history bu H forgot D has feelings but can’t express himself
Golden Light Gratia, The Child Loved By God
Chap 19 She lived in the slums until she was taken to dukes family She is the niece of the duke, has holy power, is targeted Ability to swap places with her 10yr older self The king has a relationship with the king (chess buddies)
A Fortune-Telling Princess
Chap 43 All Her life, she has seen dreams of another life, then she dies Trans. Migrated in another world, she know what is happening with the dreams. She arranges everything to live, a long life and a plan to run away The keeper of souls messed up real life. She receive abuse from her previous family, because they sent she is not their real daughter. Family members interested in her, she avoids male leads