Kenrantaru Grande Scène
Ongoing | Cuvie | 2000 released
Ballroom E Youkoso
Ongoing | takeuchi tomo | 2011 released
Tetsugaku Letra
Complete | sahara mizu | 2011 released
Ongoing | suetsugu yuki | 2000 released
Ao Ashi
Ongoing | Kobayashi Yuugo | 2000 released
Ch 346 im excited~ aaaa now i want to see them destroyed though that's highly unlikely :( aaAAAAAA barcelona youth aka barca huh.. that's gonna be tough for sure. i hope they win though :< i wanna see them, not just aoi, playing in the senior team sooo bad :<<
Harigane Service
Ongoing | ara tatsuya | 2000 released
Ch 68 hmmm art is not that great and story is mediocre, but still a pretty decent read for funsies. hypes up a bit and creates drama and challenges, but not so much to actually call it a tension soooo pretty light compared to other sports manga that usually gets pretty intense