A Guy Like You
This is THE BEST! I just finished it only 1 and a half day tho.. Kinda sad this is the end .. (ಥ_ಥ) Ep25
Red Candy
Need more PLS!! I REALLY WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THIS STORYLINE SO BAD ! щ(˚ ▽˚ щ) sooooooooooooooooo is candy gayyyyy? bcs he say he straight before got fck by that guy... so likeeee whta???
Hold Me Tight
The storyline is so good that I need to read it again (╯✧∇✧)╯ good job/// i still not finish yet this story... So in the end Felix also caught gio illness .. well that's a big reverse unk
Angel Buddy
NEED MORE ! pls~ (灬ºωº灬)
Herscherik - The Epic of the Reincarnated Prince
OMG!!! I LUV IT !! (*ΦωΦ*)
I am Their Catships' Catservant
Dream Away
(=✪ᆽ✪=) mannnn!!! Is that a GRIM REAPER BEHIND JIHAN ...??!! (╯‵□′)╯︵┴─┴ Future me : oh never mind hehehe (≧∇≦)/ ///// not finish yet
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LUVVVVVV ITTTT!!! OMGGGGG I CANT EXPRESS MY EMOTION RN ლ(╹◡╹ლ) I WHAT DAMMIT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 OMG ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, future me! .. my heart is TOTTALY BROKEN INTO PIECES /... also future me: GOOOD DAMMIT ,, I LOWKEY THOUGHT DONGHYUN SUICIDAL!!! DONT PLAY WITH MY FEELING !!! I ALMOST CRYYY FOR CRY OUT LOUD!!!! // FCK FUTURE ME AGAIN 2020.. omg I just finish the whole manhwa ... Like it's a fxking worth it to wait until it finish .. Omgg omggg... I luv both of them so much.. I'm so glad it's a HAPPY ENDING .. My heart can't take it if one of them ending up separate .. Like uwu man ... GOOD STORY LINE AND ART .. I ADORE THE AUTHOR
Nanohana Boys