Touken Ranbu Dj - Hana Kasumi
Hey there I recently found about this Title Touken Ranbu Hanamura. All I know is that is way a game in japan about Kanata in human form and now there is an anime. Still new to the characters but love the art work.
Touken Ranbu Dj - Tsugainarai
The Baker on the First Floor
not bad, love the art work and like how the story has a nice pace and isn't rushed
The Same Time as Always, The Same Place as Always
awwwwww come on you have to be kidding me ending it there....................I NEED MORE CHAPTERS PEOPLE COME ON WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IT'S JUST GETTING GOOD!
Yuri!!! On Ice Dj - Awake!!
YES ANOTHER GREAT YOI DJ LOVE IT...........................just wish there had been more sexy scenes
xxxHoLic dj - Sanka
love the art work you captured the art style of CLAMP perfectly as well as the characters , I really enjoyed reading it
Tales Of Zestiria Dj - Datte Dare Mo Oshiete Kurenai
their so cute I love the art style
Yuri!!! On Ice Dj - D.d.t. - Daite Dakarete Tokeatte
I still prefer Yuri to remain as the uke but this was a nice story with beautiful art work
Sposa di Adria
as always beautiful art work and a touching story that captivates the the heart of the reader.
Seichouki - Free! DJ