we became the wives of beasts today
Kaihatsu Muramura Mode
*Ch.8* Love the first couple (ch.1-2, 8) with the sensitive mole (and mole fetish?) The ch.5 couple is super sexy too!! Love so much!!
Too Deep in Love
* ch.5* (It's a 3 on the verge of 2 stars bc I don"t condone that kind of unhealthy relationship where one controls the others lives. Obsession over a person does not leas to happiness, especially for the person having decisions made for them. It is a terrible and traumatizing relationship and it makes me uncomfortable. I especially hate how the obsession is used to be funny bc it's not and the justification the uke gives the seme. The uke believes no one other than the seme loves him bc that's what he's made to believe by the seme.) Like the sex scenes, hate the couple. Fujiwara is just a stupid bitch that will go through anything to feel good and Ichijyou is just an abuser who only cares about himself.
Ore to Aitsu no Jikangai ××
Junjou Romantica
*Vol.22 Ch.9* Love all the couples, even the new couple with the writer that was in love with Misaki. I knew he and one of his assistants would end up having a thing for each other. It's different than I imagined, but I like it. Also, I wish I could see more of the 3rd couple. (I think their age gap is cute.)
Legs That Won't Walk