Razoku no Hanayome
*Ch.5* So sexy and funny. I love it. It's perfect if you want to see a lot of explicit sex. Super hot!
Toshishita Kareshi no Renai Kanriheki
Sexy. Love the possesiveness of both parties in the main couple and of course all the semes. Makes me want to try some new stuff. Really helping me figure out my sexuality and mindset. A manga that really clicks with my whole being. *ch.11*
Ote O Haishaku
Wish there could have been more, but it was still beautiful. I love that it has an aspect of a fetish, even if it is not one I relate with. To me, it is like a community. I really love the saying about people with cold hands bc I can relate. The saying was along the lines of people with cold hands care for others so much, they don't pay attention to their hands getting cold and these people need someone to warm their hands and take care of them. They need someone to cherish them as much as they cherish and help others. *ch.5.5*
Inma-kun wa Oshigoto Dekinai
Ten Count