Hana No Miyako De
Why so sad and heartbreaking? Do you not want me to be happy?
Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Ore no Alpha
Cute only I really wanted to see them have sex, but still really loved it!!
Criminal Interview
*ch.68* Love! Kister and Johnathan are the cutest. Adorable pair that I can't get enough of. I need them to hurry up and get together. Everyone is suspicious, specifically those around Johnathan.|Ahhh! Finally complete! I understand that they may be at least friends now in the end, but I needed a more definite ending. I wanted to see them actually communicate after Kister's release. And I needed to see them enter a relationship!! But at least we know that Johnathon wants to stay in contact with Kister, who is madly in love with him. I love how devoted Kister is throughout the story. Johnathon is his one and only love of his life and that will never change. UWU. I hope there are some side stories released later. (Feb.28.21)
Ote O Haishaku
Wish there could have been more, but it was still beautiful. I love that it has an aspect of a fetish, even if it is not one I relate with. To me, it is like a community. I really love the saying about people with cold hands bc I can relate. The saying was along the lines of people with cold hands care for others so much, they don't pay attention to their hands getting cold and these people need someone to warm their hands and take care of them. They need someone to cherish them as much as they cherish and help others. *ch.5.5*
Baby Diary