Devils Line
*Vol. 12 Ch.69* (2 Vols exist after this, they're just not on this site.) The story line is great and keeps you on your toes. So many twists & turns you don't always see coming with some suspense. I like that it's not predictable, it's different, and includes some romance without just passing it by. I love Tsukasa and Anzai together so much, but I love Makimura and Mayu together just as much. I'd love to see a lot more of the Makimayu/mayumura couple! :) (ch.43-46 show the progress of this relationship, which is so cute, sweet, and relatable.) [11/23/22] Aaaah! Loved the storybof Anzai Yuuki's parents. I'm glad we got to see the start and progress of the relationship. About all the questions readers had about the relationship between them in the beginning was pretty much answered with hintd to other things included. I wish I couldbsee more of tjem, but they're sides. (Though the author does give sidesba lot of story and info, so evryone's being is known and their relationships with each other are understood. [03/13/23]
Purgatory Rebirth