Welcome To The University Of Love
The couple is super adorable. I want more of them.
Hana No Miyako De
Why so sad and heartbreaking? Do you not want me to be happy?
Kuroko No Basuke Dj - Dramine To Ookamin
It's very cute and funny. Lol Kise and Kuroko! Maaan!!! I wanted to see Kagami and Daiki (the Warewolf and the Vampire) finish and have a future. Kise and Kuroko ruined the moment, but helped form the comedy, but again really wanted to see more of the sex scene and just more of the new couple in general.
Sayonara Alpha
*ch.5.5* So fucking great and beautiful!!!!! *tears* I love that little kid and I love their relationship so much. They're just sooo cute together. The ending is soo perfect!! I wanted more, but it's still soo PERFECT!!
Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Ore no Alpha
Cute only I really wanted to see them have sex, but still really loved it!!
Neko Kaburi To Kenagena Chuuken