Honto Yajuu
One of my very very very favorites
Ore To Joushi No Kakushikoto
On Doorstep
I dunno what I like more the art or the story! CTK is this good, I've read 3 of her books and all of them were good
Midnight Rain (CTK)
I loved the story, but the author at first said she didn't think it will have a happy ending, however it eventually ended with a happy note because of how realistic she felt the characters felt and their actions moved the story forward. It's kinda off sad, the story didn't go into too much details about their past, but they're now with each other, licking their wounds and falling more deeply into one another. So 5/5 if it wasn't CTK, I'd have probably given it a 4/5
Hatsukoi Wa Gunjou Ni Tokeru
It hurts how realistic this story is, the ending is wholesome and beautiful. I'm sad the rapist, even though has no school or university degree, wasn't punished... it shows that reality is like this. Rape should never be considered okay or romantic. I don't give a shit if it's fiction and this story showed how serious rape it. But at least, there's always hope... being a rape victim doesn't define you nor your future.
Void (zariya Ranmaru)