35 Do No Ren'ai Netsu
Well I think the story is good but it looks rushed. It would've been a great manga if maybe the story was prolonged. It had an unexpected twist for me, it was such a big dilemma but for me the uke made a better decision.
Make Me Bark
I'm not really a fan of BDSM but this one is a good story although I believe that romance wasn't really paid much attention here
My Darling Signed In
It's a very touching story It made me cry a couple of times and the romantic excitements is not too overwhelming. Well done! A manhua that also revolved around RPG
Biting the Tiger
Story is kinda rushed, I think ? But very nice art style ! istg the comments abt hanwool going into rut is just skksksksks
Megumi and Tsugumi
SO CUTE Megumi is a softie cutie
Dear Door
JUST WHEN I'M SO HOOKED !!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa waiting for more updates -33-
Love Is An Illusion