Christmas In Da Conti's Bed
Loved her; hated him. She shouldn’t have given in to him until he had gone through a period of EXTENDED self examination. He really needed to come to grips with his pride and arrogant bigotry.
Let’s hope his epiphany is permanent. Otherwise she’ll need a GBH (great big hammer) to use on him when he gets a stupid idea stuck in his head.
Walk on The Wild Side
It was a good one. Loved her, he was a bit of an idjit, but thank heavens he didn't stand on his butthurt dignity for too long. Loved the sisters and the kids. Her grandfather would have driven me to the opposite ends of the earth.
The Innocent Virgin
Well... That was different, and I enjoyed it. I also enjoyed the surprises in the storyline. It's so nice to get away from the same-o, same-o. I also fell in love with her when she punched him! (It's hard NOT to fall in love with the women drawn by Riho Sachimi.)
A Diamond For The Sheikh's Mistress
Actually pretty darn good. The ML was pretty stubborn, but wasn’t a revenge-driven scumbag like so many HQ MLs in this kind of plot. He was a powerful authority figure as well, but it didn’t make him into a forceful near rapist as so many authors like to do. FL was a really powerful character also, and not a fluttery moron who succumbs to the first hint of testosterone.
In Too Deep
I enjoyed it. It was humorous and fun to read. The story wasn't a Harlequin staple trope.
Bachelor Mom
A really enjoyable read. More should have happened to her ex, though. The situation of being kicked to the curb after supporting your spouse through college or grad school is one I am quite familiar with, and I have seen it with and without children, and practiced by both males and females. It is a complete cad's trick and the punishment for the cad should be physically painful, publicly humiliating, and professionally damning.
The Magic of Christmas
ML wasn't a horrible person like so many HQ Mains, but he was a crashing bore with all of the empathy of a tumbleweed.
Falling For The Rebel Falcon
Loved her a lot. He could improve with a good bit of slapping.
And The Bride Wore Black