What in the world is this silly trope about some dude having to get married in order to get a job? I think that a stupid condition like that would really make me question whether I would want to work for a company or a boss like that. Harlequin reasons to get married are definitely in a class apart, like Betty Neels' Dutch doctors who need a wife to scare off hoes or help him write his book or something equally ridiculous. Come on, guys. Find a fresh trope to use. This one’s getting stale enough to grow penicillin. Aside from that: If old Indiana Jones there knew he was in love with her nearly forever, why in hades did he keep telling her that he hated love and didn’t want it. It makes me feel that if you unscrewed his ears, Brussel sprouts would come out.
Hotly Bedded, Conveniently Wedded