Feng Qi Cang Lan
Ch 336 I don’t remember anything Ch 329 Ch 231.5 ingen aning när jag började
Everlasting God of Sword
Ch 208 Började läsa innan hiatus Ch 137
Poison Dragon: The Legend of an Asura
Ch. 20
The Ghostly Doctor
Ch 523 Reread. Ch 273
I Am The Sorcerer King Webtoon
Idk vart jag är och jag orkar inte bry mig bc har noll vilja att läsa om
Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound
Ch 31 Ch 22 start
I’m Not That Kind of Talent
Ch 39 start. MC’s personality split to protect itself from the guilt of killing ppl in war. The personality who handles the killing aims to kill the enemies with as much cruelty as possible to scare off the rest. The “main” personality has memory gaps during the instances when the “killing-personality” is out. The killing-personality gets triggered when “main” is in a stressful situation (ex. being attacked). So our MC is actually pretty weak mentally. He felt unloved by his family and felt like an outsider due to his appearance, which also fuelled his abandonment issues (exclusively for family) and feeling of being unloved.
The Last Human