Mizutama Honey Boy
“WHOLESOME!! slowburn but 100 percent worth it in the end."
Service Time ga Owaranai
"this gave my serotonin levels a good boost! and ofc he landed on his crotch due to mcs "unlucky pervert" case, hes put to cliché, awkward positions but it also gave him luck bc he got himself a boyfie! its cheesy n stupid but v wholesome and funny!" It was alright.
Sugar Dog Life
"GUYS IM IN CH3 AND LEMME TELL U THEY ARE ALRD MARRIED! HOLY IM DYING W CUTENESS HELP. im still a sucker for big height differences and a hot mr policeman >< tall, teasing policeman and grumpy, cute chibi~~ a rlly fun combo! smol ppl rlly b triggered abt their height ahahaha like isumi whos always being suspected as an uderage bc hes a chibi lmaoooo " Cuteness 5/5 Wholesomeness 5/5 Beautiful Art 5/5 Comedy 5/5 Story and characters 5/5 Hotness 5/5 Overall: Perfection
Bokura no Shokutaku
"Who needs therapy when you have this" True that! Cause no jodas! Super lección de vida!! Lloré con ese último capítulo! Es tan cierto, cada que sientas miedo por perder a las personas más preciosas en tu vida, a tus papis que amas con toda tu alma. Regresa y lee el último capítulo. "El dolor de la perdida, es la prueba de haber amado." Son las palabras del señor papá de los protas. Es muy divertido pero también es muy sabio. Yo al igual que el megane kun, siento miedo. Pero a aguantar, porque vale cada maldito (bendecido en realidad) segundo. Re read value 5/5 Art 5/5 Story 5/5 Wholesomeness 5/5 Perfection
Over-cumming writer’s block
He's so caring and she's so damn cute!!!! Also, this is beyond hot!! Instant favorite Art 5/5 Smut 5/5 Comedy 5/5 Story 5/5 Characters 5/5 ️️️️️ This literally makes me laugh out loud I love this pair, they're so weird and perfect for each other!! Love this love this love this!!!!! Chapter 19
Hana Tokidoki Kuma
Ch. 6 (last chapter) is all over the place, cause the pages aren't in the right order, so I didn't read it. And still, it was so fucking wholesome and cute!
Omukae Shibuya-kun
This is so cute! I can't! The ML is such a sweetheart, and his usually stoic face is so funny, cute and hot, all at the same time The ML looks so stoic, bit he's actually such a soft boi, and when he cries so easily when it comes to his feelings for Sensei I can't! He's too precious! Please be mah baby boi
Lady K and the Sick man
Unexpectedly wholesome. I mean yeah, it's definitely cringe the way he's obsessed with making her pregnant (weird kink) but besides that, lady ghost is freaking adorable, and the guy genuinely cares about her. Also, they're both attractive, and the plot is actually interesting. Good one! Chap 2.
Amaama to Inazuma
"One day, If you feel tired even you slept or rest a lot... Give this manga a shot It'll release you from your exhaustion 'coz your soul gonna be healed!"
Tachibana-kun Daite Kudasai! Hajimete no Aite wa Douryou Ouji?!