Kimi Omae ni Shitara Ore wa Mou tsu... Nikushokuha Danshi no Junjou na Yokujou
"he's not really my type but this looks suprisingly wholesome. also pretty art~" Umm it's cute and all, bit I'm gonna need to drop this one at chap 9, cause indeed, he isn't my type either. Gomen ML Kun, you're a nice dude, but it's not you, it's me and my taste in cute beautiful men. Sayounara!
I can see that she's especially cute.
"oh my god, this one has me feeling some type of way. both the female mc and the male mc are simply adorable, they are both so cute. this story has one of my favourite tropes- scary faced main character (male lead) who is actually really adorable. this story has shown episodes from both of their povs and they both think that each other is really cute, or they find the little things each other does really adorable - it is seriously too sweet. i really wish this would update omg" “my mouth hurts from smiling too much this manga is just too cuteeee" Fluffy masterpiece ️️️️️
“Gf is physically strong & Bf gives off soft boy energy (while still being pretty damn badass) and he knows how to bake~" Friends also give off soft boy energy I fell in love with this at the very first chapter. It's truly a masterpiece. I adore ML and FL and even little FL's brother who is such a cute kiddo. Instant Favorite. ️️️️️ The ML has such a big heart He's so naive, pure and soft. And yet, he can turn into a complete beast in 0.1 seconds when his boo is in trouble Warning: God it all went downhill since he cut his hair, such a shame. ML doesn't look hot anymore, he looks like a damn random kid. And both main characters became so annoying and creepy. Anyways, the first 30 chapters or so, were GOLD. Gonna drop this one at 34, that's how bad it got.
Mayoke no Darling
there's a pug in the second story =) and the plot revolves around dogs and a guy who initially dislikes them, and another who loves them < 3 Loved the art, and the seme for the first story is so hot and caring, definitely a topnotch seme
Watashi wa Okazu Senpai ni Taberaretai
“This is so freaking hot and adorable; the fl is cute and the ml is just.... I love how they cleared the air between them in literally 2 chapters without unnecessarily dragging it on and on. **spoiler**: the car scene made me drool lol Consent - 5/5 (they're both into it, and it isnt just one of them forcing the other) Male lead - 5/5 Female lead - 5/5 Smut - 5/5 Art - 5/5" "This woman is my spirit animal" "I swear to God this is the most innocent smut I've ever read " I agree 100% with each and every comment/review above!!! I adore this one, and instant favorite. Interesting plot, beautiful art, likeable couple, healthy, wholesome, hot as hell, funny, super cute and adorable. ️️️️️ The ML is a sweet, soft and pure angel. FL is hilarious and so relatable! Both are hot as hell
Chinmoku Garu no Ritorukurai
She yelled hentai instead of senpai LMFAO it was cute.
My Quiet Best Friend's Just Tongue-Tied