Crash Into Me
"Neighbour x Neighbour Seme can't sleep because of the noisy sex/fights of his neighbour, but after seeing the guy outside and covered in bruises he's starts to meddle in the abusive relationship that his neighbour is in, while developing a crush for him Uke is the "got cold after trauma" type, stubborn and slutty, but can't help falling in love with the gentle, caring and innocent seme, who also can get very aggressive and possessive when he wants Dropped at ch 24 or so. The art is good and it's kinda hot, but the uke looks too much like a femmenine woman for my liking. It's making me uncomfortable, really. Story is not that good either. And uke is an annoying little brat most of the time. Story 4/5 Art 4/5 Characters 4/5
Make a Pet Out of a Cactus
Nice OneShot, nice art, kinda wholesome, super consensual, no plot whatsoever, so a PWP for this one.
The Lady and Her Butler
Heartwarming Hurts so good.
Where Are You Running off To
"The plot is definitely crack in this one." The guy is annoying as hell, and he has reaally weird glittery multicolored hair. WTF. PWP. DROPPED.
Too Hot for TV!!
Meh Read up to chapter 4. Gonna drop it, it's pretty much PWP, not as hot as it promises to be, and the fricken guy wanted to have his way with her even when she said no several times. Asshole! No consensual, NO sensual! Boo Hoo!
We Met in Ueno