Whisper & Mellow
"He wants to help her get over her fears and starts to take his shirt off, showing his well-built body...! A sincere, poker-faced gentleman and a very shy girl. A sweet story between two unlikely people!" ️️️️️ "wow a hottie whos understanding and lives by consent"
Onee Danshi, Hajimemasu.
I looove this one so much! So cute, wholesome and hilarious ️️️️️ Absolute favorite!
Bokura no Shokutaku
"Who needs therapy when you have this" True that! Cause no jodas! Super lección de vida!! Lloré con ese último capítulo! Es tan cierto, cada que sientas miedo por perder a las personas más preciosas en tu vida, a tus papis que amas con toda tu alma. Regresa y lee el último capítulo. "El dolor de la perdida, es la prueba de haber amado." Son las palabras del señor papá de los protas. Es muy divertido pero también es muy sabio. Yo al igual que el megane kun, siento miedo. Pero a aguantar, porque vale cada maldito (bendecido en realidad) segundo. Re read value 5/5 Art 5/5 Story 5/5 Wholesomeness 5/5 Perfection
Vol. 2 Chapter 11.5 I can't even begin to express how much I love it!!! Aaaah! They're both so fucking HOT, cute, funny, and adorable. The plot is absolutely perfect and has the right mix of all of my favorite things. A bit of angst, one sided love, pinning, frustration, anger, rough sex, and a heart warming resolution to all of their sexual tension and misunderstandings. My favorite part is uke being such a sensitive sweetheart. He's a beautiful gentle giant, and I love him <3 Plus, the chapters got uncensored! Kyaa ~
Amattare wa Inu mo Kuwanai