She will do whatever it takes.
A cute story in only 4 pages. It was worth it tho. The girl is so cute, and to quote a comment down here: "We need more social distancing love stories it makes covid-19 seem lighter <3" 100/100
After School Sketches
I mean, there is consent. Asides from that and the pretty art, it's generic, short and not particularly steamy.
Falling Night ~Doll Otaku University Girl Entangled One Night in a Vampires Sweet Web~
Everything's wrong with this one, I don't even know where to begin. So... • Meh art • Stupid af plot: Lookalike BTS guy is a vampire, who lures young people into his mansion, meets girl, fucks her without her consent, tells her she's his soulmate, and that he's in love with her (they met 5 secs ago) and finally turns her into a vampire, live forever after in solitude in their mansion. Fucking I guess, until she decides she's bored enough to kill him. That's it, that's the plot. • Waste of my time, the smut isn't even worth the idiotic story. There's not enough foreplay, and the girl's boobs look way too big for her otherwise flat and tiny body. 2 for the scanlators job, but honestly it deserves 1.
Clap Your Hands