Kaihatsu Muramura Mode
I reread this and I gotta say, now I remember why I added it to my favorites. Thogh this is not the best thing ever, that first story is so sexy! The art is so good and the uke is so lewd, horny and submissive, I loved him. Also their chibis and their version of when they were kids is sooo cute! the seme is like a grandpa even though he's just and elementary school kid! So funny! Loved it. P.S. The uke looks so much like Matt from Death Note! Kyyya! He even has a shirt like his *.* The rest of the stories are meh so far, with very uninteresting plots and crybaby girly ukes. On chapter 5.
Cupid ni Rakurai
Favorite, favourite. Loved it so much! Hot as hell uke, he's so damn handsome and beautiful. Adorable seme, he's funny and cute. Amazing and gorgeous beautiful art. Re read material. Doki doki. So sweet and hot and PERFECT.
Jibun Katte.