Onee Danshi, Hajimemasu.
I looove this one so much! So cute, wholesome and hilarious ️️️️️ Absolute favorite!
Service Time ga Owaranai
"this gave my serotonin levels a good boost! and ofc he landed on his crotch due to mcs "unlucky pervert" case, hes put to cliché, awkward positions but it also gave him luck bc he got himself a boyfie! its cheesy n stupid but v wholesome and funny!" It was alright.
Hana Tokidoki Kuma
Ch. 6 (last chapter) is all over the place, cause the pages aren't in the right order, so I didn't read it. And still, it was so fucking wholesome and cute!
Senobi no Housoku
It was cute and fun. But I feel like like it lacked some plot and character development. Also, there was barely half a chapter exploring their new relationship, the rest was them acting like idiot friends lol It definitely feels unfinished. Enjoyable read though.
Yubisaki to Renren
Recommend by Jenna.
If You Spoil Me That Much, I'm Gonna Cry
Futari Ashitamo Sorenarini
Tonari No Seki-kun
Currently at Chap 129 January 19th - March 12th 2025 Reading this absolute gem for a second time, and I'm literally laughing at loud here Freaking hilarious!! Homeboy Seki's got me like: “Este wey Ahora qué haces, cabrón? Noo te paseees, estás bien loquillo." All whilst mc girlie is been way too cute, super sweet, wholesome, adorable, funny and just all together awesome! Such a lovable character fr She gets in so much trouble cause of the crazy kiddo he has as a seat neighbor. And somehow he always gets away with everything. So not fair for FL. But he's so unhinged, and creative, you just end up forgiving him (most of the time). Absolute master of mayhem, always up to some over top antics during class. 5/5 Extra notes: • Gotou (Yokoi's piggy tails bestie) is one of the funniest characters ever! Super hilarious! I love her so much!
Tsun-Ama na Kareshi