"Heita lives with his retired grandfather in a small rural community boarding house that closed after his grandmother died, while he attends school and looks after the one remaining boarder, Miharu, a university researcher who seems incapable of looking after himself. He has some vaguely realized feelings toward Miharu which he expresses by preparing luxurious bentou and sharing the futon during rainstorms. Meanwhile, Miharu's feelings for Hei-chan are hardly vague, but he is an adult and Heita isn't, and that seems to mean something in this story. "
The story itself wasn't that interesting, really.
Not to mention it's kind of wird that he wanted Heita even when Heita was still was a child and he an adult already, but oh well, according to this logic his feelings for him were merely pure at that time and only became 'dirty' and romance-like when he grew up. okay then, not a pedo-alert on this one then.
The art is beautiful though, and seme's chibis were absolutely cute! And those bentos, oh my god, heaven sent.
Hidamari to Bentou Danshi to