Kiss de Fusaide, Bare naide.
Gonna drop this one, the story is kinda meh, and the ml, even tho he's hot, he's weird af man.
Watashi wa Okazu Senpai ni Taberaretai
“This is so freaking hot and adorable; the fl is cute and the ml is just.... I love how they cleared the air between them in literally 2 chapters without unnecessarily dragging it on and on. **spoiler**: the car scene made me drool lol Consent - 5/5 (they're both into it, and it isnt just one of them forcing the other) Male lead - 5/5 Female lead - 5/5 Smut - 5/5 Art - 5/5" "This woman is my spirit animal" "I swear to God this is the most innocent smut I've ever read " I agree 100% with each and every comment/review above!!! I adore this one, and instant favorite. Interesting plot, beautiful art, likeable couple, healthy, wholesome, hot as hell, funny, super cute and adorable. ️️️️️ The ML is a sweet, soft and pure angel. FL is hilarious and so relatable! Both are hot as hell
Ecchi na XX Moretemasu...! - Cool na Douryou wa do Hentai deshita
"Anzu, the fml have this capability of hearing other people thoughts. People like her so much bec of her cute appearance and among them, the ml is the one who she always hear his inside thoughts which is mostly adoration towards her. But his adoration turned into wild thoughts and apparently, the fml has a strong libido and his thoughts keep turning her on. "
I'll Love You If You're Divorced
I know this is only 9 chapters long, but man did they move on quickly lol Anyway... Cons: •He's too pushy •By chp 9 they're already discussing marriage. • The promised cunilingus, never happened. Pros: •Partially uncensored (just a couple of panels unfortunately). • He helps her with work. • He buys her lots of yummy stuff (she's a sweet tooth). • He's good looking. Overall: Meh, I guess it was okay. Not worth re-reading though.
Tonari no Seki no Hen na Senpai