Junai Drop Out
The Lady and Her Butler
Heartwarming Hurts so good.
Fucked by My Best Friend
"As someone who started it on a whim not actually expecting to enjoy it: it's surprisingly a really fun and enjoyable read. Is it dumb? Yeah. Is it entertaining? Also yeah. Don't go into it expecting fine literature of course, but if you're looking for a bisexual/smutty good time, you're in the right place, lmao. Also if you're expecting "pure yaoi" like some readers have: it's not that. You will see a lot of vag/tits haha That said, I recommend it if you're cool with that" Preach The main reason it's in faves, it's cause it's hot as hell,and super funny, but God knows it can get quite stupid too lol Still, the main characters do get to grow and change, which is really cool It eventually gets wholesome!!
Honnou Switch
"childhood friends --> lovers. a couple that trusts each other and isn't problematic!! non-explicit smut." "mature adults properly communicating??? sharing their feelings and insecurities to avoid misunderstandings??? " My "go to manga" before bed. It's so relaxing. Good stuff. It's cute and all, but it's getting too repetitive. Read lots of chapters, so I'm not sure where I left off. Still, I'd reread the first chapters. Too sweet and wholesome! Anyway, dropped. Sayounara! Besitos! Bendiciones!
Ganbare! Nakamura-kun!!
Such a masterpiece! I loved every bit of it! Doki Doki. Cute as hell. Wholesome. Both of these kids (male leads) are so adorable, they make such a cute couple Perfect tribute to 80's art, totally on point. Perfect!! And OMG I fell for their teacher, like...so hard! He's so cool and amazing, and such and inspiration And he's hot as hell too “This is so cute!!! the male lead has a crush on a guy in his class and he tries his best to become friends with him. it's really wholesome (and can also give you second hand embarrassment), and throughout you just have to cheer this adorable and shy male lead on "
Motto Ganbare! Nakamura-kun!!
"So pure, I'm cheering for you my boy! " Saaame
I can see that she's especially cute.
"oh my god, this one has me feeling some type of way. both the female mc and the male mc are simply adorable, they are both so cute. this story has one of my favourite tropes- scary faced main character (male lead) who is actually really adorable. this story has shown episodes from both of their povs and they both think that each other is really cute, or they find the little things each other does really adorable - it is seriously too sweet. i really wish this would update omg" “my mouth hurts from smiling too much this manga is just too cuteeee" Fluffy masterpiece ️️️️️
The Lovesick Flower Buds Waiting for Spring