“Gf is physically strong & Bf gives off soft boy energy (while still being pretty damn badass) and he knows how to bake~" Friends also give off soft boy energy I fell in love with this at the very first chapter. It's truly a masterpiece. I adore ML and FL and even little FL's brother who is such a cute kiddo. Instant Favorite. ️️️️️ The ML has such a big heart He's so naive, pure and soft. And yet, he can turn into a complete beast in 0.1 seconds when his boo is in trouble Warning: God it all went downhill since he cut his hair, such a shame. ML doesn't look hot anymore, he looks like a damn random kid. And both main characters became so annoying and creepy. Anyways, the first 30 chapters or so, were GOLD. Gonna drop this one at 34, that's how bad it got.
Chinmoku Garu no Ritorukurai
She yelled hentai instead of senpai LMFAO it was cute.
Happy Shitty Life
" COME ON GUYS SAY WITH ME " RAW DICK IS LIFE" ((彡)) Harada sensei luv u for this switch couple ..Kyoutarou Kasuya ,an elite businessman was demoted & transferred to some rural area by the president(ex-Gf's dad) due to a scandal ....Here he meets his neighbour, a weird, unemployed, living off his grandmother's pension aka a full fledged NEET, Yoshiyuki Kuzuya whom he wanna kill & hang up .. lol ..Just when Kasuya thought he will work his way to Tokyo he got stuck with a bunch of oddballs Gramps as his coworkers ..To top it all his dirty secret behind his demotion is know to all ..poor guy .Is there anyway for Kasuya to crawl back from this shit hole or there is a "happy shitty life" waiting ahead ..? ---- SOME DREAM OF MONEY , SOME OF FAME BUT THESE IDOTS DREAM TO GET BUTT FUCKED EVERYDAY .. " "a seke couple *chef kiss* the taste! honestly same i wanna be pegged by a girl too and hell yeah RAW DICK IS LIFE, say it louder for the ppl at the back periodt!! " "i'll give this one a 3 because the guy keeps violating the black hair dude and thats just gross. I understand its harada and all but still doesnt excuse the rape. Why not just be a story abt two bottoms getting benefits from each other with some hilarious scenes. The rape stuff is totally unecessary and disgusting and shld not be taken as a joke or lightly at all " It may be hot and funny at times, however rape is NEVER, under ANY circumstances funny. It should never be taken lighty or made fun of. I HATED that part of this manga. I love the black haired dude tho, he's a victim of shitty people's abuse, and shitty circumstances, and he's is still a cheerful and funny dude... and he's hot as hell! This is so weird, like wtf! It did entertain me a bit, cause it's hot and even funny at times, but at vol 2 chapter 3, I decided I've had enough of it and it's weird af plot and characters. Sooo dropped!
Onee Danshi, Hajimemasu.
I looove this one so much! So cute, wholesome and hilarious ️️️️️ Absolute favorite!
Perfect Propose
All right, so last chapters were surprisingly deep
Ookami-san wa Taberaretai
The very first chapters are hot, but is soon becomes cringy af, boring and damn awkward. Booh hoo! Dropped
Hakoiri Otome to Gaten no Ouji-sama
Not much plot, super rushed, stereotypical, cliche and a wacky character design, but still... hot smut and wholesome, cute characters. Overall 4/5
Omukae Shibuya-kun
This is so cute! I can't! The ML is such a sweetheart, and his usually stoic face is so funny, cute and hot, all at the same time The ML looks so stoic, bit he's actually such a soft boi, and when he cries so easily when it comes to his feelings for Sensei I can't! He's too precious! Please be mah baby boi
Whisper & Mellow