Serious Joke
I feel like the characters don’t understand how serious Jaeha’s trauma and fucking domestic abuse is like what ;-; huh ;-; excuse me ;-;. ALSOOO THE SECOND COUPLE NEEDS TO COMM.UN.I.CATE!!! MY GUYS PLEASE USE YOUR WORDS MY LOVES. The first couple on the other hand vv cute vv nice
Doukyuusei (NAKAMURA Asumiko)
I had watched the anime before reading this and I must say it’s everything it needed to be. It’s just a sweet and wholesome manga there are honestly some parts of the movie I préfères like the kisses and sandbox scene but the manga had more insight on their thoughts which is what happens in most manga to anime translations. I’m very glad I read this manga. It was a simple basis and simple story but with characters that are seemingly simple but aren’t and that’s just what I love about all stories :D Also in the manga I must say I really enjoy their comfort with their relationship they truly aren’t afraid to say they are dating the same gender and that’s something really refreshing. Usually this aspect of the relationship is manipulated by the author to seem devastating and in many situations it CAN be but it just thought it was so sweet that they were so mature about the person they love
Exclusive No-Love Zone
i LOVE an alpha x beta, its so interesting so see the dynamic form between them as well as see the possessiveness and insecurities build as they form their relationship. It has so much more than the usual a x omega since a x omega are naturally attracted to each other while the beta and alpha have to get past the their differences as well as the people around them it’s so interesting and I’m very excited to see more edit: Just finished the manhwa it was much sweeter than I thought it would be I loved the beta’s inner conflict in the beginning it was so nice to see that turmoil with a blank expression because inevitably he would break and though the break was a reaction smaller than I thought I still loved it. I feel like over all the main couple is just very mature and their growth is just amazing though I still wish for more angst I’d say that was a pretty nice amount. Over all a great manhwa but idk if I’ll read it again
For you 99%
It was cute other than the fact the side character made me wanna kill him like bro, anyways back to the main couple they are so cute but also so infuriating I was so mad that Joon was being so hard on himself it’s like his entire being is dedicated to Doha like bro have some self respect also the self blaming for Doha getting a cold like bro you didn’t force him to stand in the rain he is his own person he can move to shelter and just text you and let you know like what?! ALSO BRO THAT BLOND SIDE CHAQTVTER IS A BITVH I’m sorry but I can’t with him the things he say don’t make sense logically like why push someone to feel even more like shit when they already feel bad and are blaming themselves bro I just wish so hard that Doha saw that shit bro that is literally unacceptable and even if he didn’t see that shit he was somehow cool with blond when he found out he stalked them on a date like bro wtf ALSO HOW YOU BE FRIENDS OR WHATEVER THE FUCK WITH A CHARACTER THAT WONT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. LIKE I SHOULDNT EVEN MAKE THIS AN EXAMPLE buttt people would react so much worse if this was character was a woman the mass of people would be bat shit mad but cause it’s a guy this is somehow okay? What is this double standard. Anyhow I’m happy for the main couple and I hope that the blonde guy never comes back ugh and I know for a fact the author wanted to build sympathy but his fricken attitude ughhhh anyhowww
I Ship My Rival x Me