Jappa No Amane
A college student named Mitsuko works at his uncle's hostel. On his way from an errand, he finds an unconscious yokai, Tenshi. When Tenshi wakes up he acts ferocious and arrogant. To express his gratitude to Mitsuko for saving his life, he also becomes a guest at the hostel on his own accord until Mitsuko decides what he wants. After being acquainted with Tenshi, gradually he opens his heart to Mitsuko. Suddenly Tenshi's body transforms into an adult-like appearance and harasses Mitsuko
In the weird house of Wakeari, Raizou has fallen in love. His object of desire is Kon. Even though Kon is an antisocial pretty boy, he does not laugh at Raizou. As the intense love scene of the tenants continues day after day, Raizou begins to like Kon more and more. At the same time, Kon is doing a secret "job" for clients that come to the house... The Love Destiny that you can't escape from by Yuki Shimizu commences now!
Konya mo Nemurenai