Sympathy Killer
The Spooky Love Tale of Gongchan Seol
Chpater 30: Even the ghost embarassed when Youngmin kissed Gongchan on his cheek. And that he looked so smug for that achievement (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) Youngmin...... Is a very dangerous handsome man and a flirt and a pervert..... But, handsome, so forgiven( ͡≖ ل͜ ͡≖) But, really... After reading the ending, Youngmin is truly especially more so really a looker with a bad news vibe around him (in a good way) he is handsome, i just love sering chara like him(*´˘`*)♡
Voice Love
I'm Mediocre ♂, But I'm Loved in A Different World Anthology Comics
Chapter 4 vol. 1 is my fav. The theme is BDSM and the M is the Topᕦ( ͡͡~͜ʖ ͡° )ᕤ Chpater 2 vol. 2 also has a cute story. Lets crying face when he was 8 y.o. I might fell in love to him just like Canan(/ω\) Chapter 4 vol. 2 is the warmest and kindest chapter. Their love is surely beyond words and description to what they felt towards each other. So warm and kind and pureo(iДi)o
Tiger and Tiger Gourd
Unexpectedly, there is no s*x scenes. But, it still made my heart fluttered to the MAX! ♡*( ͡˘̴ ͜ ʖ̫ ͡˘̴ )*♡
Thy Will Be Done
Megumi and Tsugumi
Last read: vol. 6 chapter 1 I actually enjoy the story and all..... But, I might be become sensitive about stubborn people that i have it 4. Might change it later... Maybe( ͡°_ʖ ͡°)
Sex with the Love Interest! But I'm an NPC!