Baby, Punk Kid
A One Time Mistake
Feel a bit complicated, but surely, it was a good read♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Touch Up
So, at first i was confused coz there is no explanation about the tattoo and name. While it hurts my head to think about it even with my aching head from fever, I love it so much. Wonjae, as a son of a gangster who lost his loved ones because of his own father's greeds, met April, a tattoo artist by chance (destiny). April has closed his heart after realizing that he has nothing with him. With his guardian, who picked him up from the street and named him April recently died, he closed his heart even more. But, Wonjae did not stop getting closer to him and after a lot of trouble, they get together. However, the anxiety of being thrown away again hurts April's thought. He ran away from Wonjae and both of them were miserable for 6 months. But, with the power of love, they went pass that line, now together, and they are happy to have each other. Tho, the MVP of this manhwa is his secretary (I forgot his name) ( ͡°з ͡°) I read this on Mon, 3 Feb 2025, 1.58-5.00 am
Dangerous Convenience Store