Ch 85 (1.16.24) honestly ★ ★ ★/5
Jihoon fits the role ! ★
Gyeraa lackedd emotions and character in the middle like it was forgotten. I LOVED that there was an epilogue that in his next life it was Akhui’s turn to marry gyera he deserves her more. My man has 4 personalities and what I don’t understand here is like the spire it’s an demon part like irrelevant. Too much politics and lack of story for the people of jinhoe. Atleast gyera and hyeon got married and lived and found out about their history. The letters he sent like u had to burn them to see the words but she never checked for years and he came back after 4 years sheees soo Jude. It really is giving Jude and Cardan
Love Song for Illusion