Mitchthehawk's manga / #gay uke(3)

Daiji na Koto na no de, Nido.

Complete | KUROIWA Chihaya | 2014 released
2017-03-31 03:17 marked

6-- just didn't like that the uke kept getting beat up by ex-boyfriend but it was cute besides


Complete | Kakine | 2017 released
2019-08-27 01:57 marked

7/8--this story was pretty angsty the whole time but it was also sort of touching at the same time. I wish we got more of the twos relationship without the uke worrying so much about ruining the semes life

Omoichigai ga Koi no Tane

Complete | Owaru | 2016 released

6/7--the uke was a little annoying only cause he denied his real feelings, plus his personality was so different with the ex. That ex boyfriend was a sleaze bag and it made me mad that the uke didnt outright reject him and sill sort of loved him. The seme was cute