Tsumi Ni Nureta Futari
This manga is so drama, in my country story like this is called "sinetron". This manga have no main point. This manga rerun the same plot over and over. Incest couple together, the women run away, together again, run away again. Oh soooo drama. I was surprise by my self i can read this story until ch.50. It just because i like incest theme. But i despise the plot.
Goodbye Lilac
Love it!! Please more update!!!
Tamayura (yuki Ringo)
Love this story, from childhood to old age. So adorable, happy but at the same time give sad feeling
7 Seeds
I already loved this book from 10 years ago, when I still high school. I read this book in school library. Then when I know about manga online, I search this book. And voila, I meet this book in here, mangago.me. I love this book, and always wait for update. Then now I meet with final chapter. I'm so happy but sad at the same time. Hiks
Thank You My God