Ookami Papa wa Hitsuji Tsura shite Yatte kuru
Very cute but wierdly paced drama. Hagi's friend obviously has some hangups about being gay that come up for very short, meaningless drama. Besides that, it's fine! The random one shot was kinda lame.
My Invincible Vitality
Honestly? Five stars for doing literally everything to 11
The Man in the Mirror
Well that was a surprisingly cute twist! The mirror just leads to another country, not another world. I really like how the romance develops too! It's a natural extension of them getting to know each other. But it's so short!!
Gintama dj - Thinking Out Loud
Ikenai Hinata-kun
Cute and short, with a vary respectful top, which is (unfortunately) refreshing. Not much actual story to get into though.
Garakuta no Ai wo Hitobannjuu
This. Is. The best! What an oddball romantic manga. Very realistic and grounded in certain ways. Kanii being a deadpan comedian behind his serious work persona is such a Japanese trope. It's like Gintama or something. The relationship was also really grounded without annoying cliches. The fact that they seriously roleplay in the last chapter feels so honest (and hot tbh). Straight to the favorites!
Ikisugi Friendship
This doesn't feel kind bl in the typical sense, more like ground in reality manga about gay couples. (Seeing them use pillows during sex is so real lmao!)definitely my new fav author.
Soshite Boku wa Koi wo Shiru
The 'I just can't wait' attitude for the sex was lame, but other than that it was really cute! I do wish they'd filled in Akira's side of things more, even if it was just generic romantic exposition conversations to get to the same end. Would've made the gap moe of Akira being the bottom more impactful. And Shogo is just kind of there! He has a friend, but what about his family?? Basically it's cute, but lacking in depth.
Hatsukoi wa natsukanai