Kimi Wa Boku Wo Suki Ni Naru
Nope, the relationship gets wierd and rapey with the uke saying it hurts every time and the seme not caring.
Migite ni Miemasunoga, Ore no Kareshi de Gozaimasu
Cute and smutty but doesn't really *go* anywhere. The relationship is well adjusted which is nice, but kinda boring. Gay tour guide falls for surprisingly hot coworker.
Gochisousama ga Kikoenai!
I hope this one gets finished because it's gooood. We got mutual pining and self-sacrifice alllll over this. And!! A spinoff sequel where the incubus gets his own love interest! And the love interest is the cousin of one of the guys from the first couple! Hey yeah, it has everything!
Kiss dake de Ike souda -Soshite Oretachi ha Ochiteiku-
Meh, DNF. Read ch20 and 1-8. The TN comment wasn't wrong, this is wall to wall smut lol. It's actually kinda... Boring. Seme is also wayyyyy overly possessive, and not in a fun way, but like, in what seems like the most beige flag yandere way lmao.
Toaru Utsukushiki Kombini Teninno Henai