Homeless/No Home
This shit is actually really fucking depressing and it’s made me in a terrible mood. beautifully written and depressing that it’s disgusting, you can’t get yourself to like or hate any of the characters. this should’ve been tagged psychological cause wtf
Stalker's Game
abused becomes the abuser, abuser becomes the abused this story fuckjng sucks, i hate it so much i hate how the abusive rapist got what he wanted at the end of the story, it’s not fair and it makes me sick he broke the innocent nervous boy, you can tell he was losing his sanity at the end of the story. man, i hated this. i wanted the rapist to fucking suffer, not be smiling at the end of the story
Azure and Claude
Rental Onii-chan
6/10 - I didn’t really like it honestly, i was expecting something more depressing and heartbreaking considering it was tagged tragedy but it was good still
Murderer Llewellyn's enchanting dinner invitation