When The Yakuza Falls Inlove
|Chapter |
It's My Baby!
|Chapter 34 - Dropped| First "What does he mean it's his first time?? He's been cheated on multiple times and just got out of a 3 year relationship" and like always, didn't ship with the successful rich alpha. Poorly written and bad translate, so it's too annoying to keep up (and since the "level of writting", it doesn't make sense Hesoo didn't fall in love with Taeoh, he is his type by his looks, he is kind, attentionate, in good terms with his family, cares about his son, his son loves him, his son's teacher and neighbour so they see each other all the time, and an alpha so they should be alchemy). I was waiting to see Taeoh's past (I suppose he is son of a mafia boss), but I gave up.
Heat and Run
|Chapter | I like eyes changing colors It's too long no? Like half of the chapters looks like extra, makes it look bad.
Like a Tidal Wave - from Pheromone Shower
Ahh seke stories are super rare, I want more and a little better handed one. I don't know if there is problem with the scans or if it's just not well written, but it looked like there were pages or frames missing and not only once, so it takes you out of it.
Bye Bye
Poorly written, so it's bad. Loved the miscarriage and all the psychological aspect of the plot (suicide, therapy for psychopath (xD)), it changes but rarely well handled (the worst was the family gathering after the miscariage, the author wanted it to not be too heavy and so use the gag "he cries easily" the whole fucking chapter, one not funny and two if you empathise at least a little with the couple who lost their baby, it was fucking horrible to read). And what the heck with this end, it's not finished.
Gold Gray
|Chapter 26 - Dropped| Seem interesting because of the context of this world (extinction of omegas) but I read a little, it doesn't quite grasp enough the omegaverse feeling/logic and later I saw a chapter were the alpha abandon the omega in heat thinking it's for the best, it fucked hurt me.
Dear Benjamin 1.5