Kalimeris Porno
Bon, quand t'as lu ça, t'as tout lu.
Gold Gray
|Chapter 26 - Dropped| Seem interesting because of the context of this world (extinction of omegas) but I read a little, it doesn't quite grasp enough the omegaverse feeling/logic and later I saw a chapter were the alpha abandon the omega in heat thinking it's for the best, it fucked hurt me.
Ai o Ataeru Kemonotachi
Into the Rose Garden
|Chapter 36 mais 41 en mal traduit| Why the first and only omegaverse story I've read where a couple has a big family (not just 2 children) like I always wanted is something so not cuuuuute and warm, fuuuuuuuuuuuuck TT_TT It's awesome, really horrible to read but it has things missing in other regression story and plus it's well written (like slow pace, detailled first life before going to the second, so the characters are well build, we know them and can't help to sympatise with everyone while also hating everyone). I am really looking forward.
Boy meets Girl
So it was interesting, some weird plot logique by times and the end with the baby... I would liked seeing their way through it, how their relationship worked and so on (the baby himself, what the fuck, why is it talking like an adult, hate it). The comic is great if you stop reading at the end of the main story (when at the end of the chapter Cheol-ho comes back to Jintae, tired and with a bittersweet face) after that it way less deep and builded, turned their messed-up relationship in something almost cute, like it was okay.
One Night Only
|Chapter | J'aime l'effort, je trouve que l'omegaverse offre plein d'opportunités pour des histoires sociétales, psycho et romances intéressantes et c'est plus que pas exploré et tourne trop autour du yaoi. Sinon enfin une vraie histoire en omegaverse avec une femme alpha et un homme omega. Malheureusement j'y trouve pas assez de passion, j'aurais voulu une alpha incroyable qui m'aurait retourné l'esprit, que les scènes de sexe aient un rôle un peu plus important similaire aux autres comics (mais pas trop comme souvent) avec du sexe plus "féministe" donc sensuel/sexy/obscène/persistant en gardant le côté primaire des instincts de l'omegaverse, et que le second sexe ne change pas autant le comportement d'un homme ou une femme (là c'était un peu le cas mais ça sonnait faux)
|Chapter | Chap13---Facial expression and tension in this are amazing. It's different, kind of more real.
Exclusive No-Love Zone
|Chapter 50|
First Thing I Do When I Wake Up.