Omamorishimasu, Dokomademo
It's great, you know sometimes you're really frustrated because of the end or because it's only shounen-ai or there was just not enough sex scenes. Here it's the case but yet It's all good, the manga is not amazing but it changes from the storyline I've read before and moreover, it's a real cool ending, It's well done.
Star-like Words
Cute cute ^^ The 2nd story, the sex scene, it was so special XDD Because, it was hot, but still the guy who's on top was dressed like a girl? It was weird, not really disagreeable yet disturbing... It's sure was perturbing XDD But unprecedented in junko-sensei's work (and kind of rare for others anyway), I find it interresting ^^
Bokura No Negai
[chapter *Us, Blooming* in "Koi To Wana" - "Mankai Darling" - "Bokura No Negai"] |Chapter 14| First Kento have to cut his hair, I just hate it, compared to his younger self it's simply ugly. That said, the real matter... It's fucking palpitating XD I've the kind of feeling that I'm watching some suspense serie XDD There are so many things going on at same time. It's great! I didn't feel a bit at all bored =D It's really something else to have multi-pairings to overwatch in the same mainstory, not like usually (like, the perfect example, "junjou romantica", or the "fake related" oneshots) And, yeah I really want that the things move between Hayato and Ame/Ryou (buh, I prefer Ame, and there is already a Ryou, not fun...), but the manga here is also really interresting BECAUSE of that. I mean, everybody has understood since the first pages of chapter 1, so yeah it's like we're waiting for years, but it makes it so good, so dense, so deep and to control himself like that and to be so refexive about it, it's totally in accord with Hayato's personnality and when this will finally happen, we will feel like it's a miracle because we knew Hayato's feelings for his brother since beginning and we shared his pain all this time, so beautiful and heart-warming...! OH YES, OMG, I just can't explain how much I love it, and how much it's JUST PERFECT FUCKING AWESOME STUFF! (I hope I will not be desappointed with the development in next chapters, I want it to go on so well like this :3)
Choco Strawberry Vanilla
This manga is hard to definite and it gave me so much different feelings at different times..., in this way it is really awesome! At beginning, I was angry, then disgusted by Hiroi attitude: How someone can be so selfish and hurt so much poeple while still saying he's suffering, I was like "just die". Then I was really..., not really disturbed, but more like perturbed and intrigued by Mine as a bottom, like it was a real important stuff and question XD I don't know, I just couldn't take this fact out of my mind, it was like I was looking at an alien, I observed, intrigued is really the word. Brief, yet the story with Hiroi as the uke would be so much less interesting: physically 'cause of the cliché "the girlish weak is the bottom" and for the storyline, this one would turn out on something completely different... And well, after a while, Mine is really great as uke, specially for this 3P I think c= Then I was depressing, everybody seemed to be jealous over another one, and to not say a word about it. Then, after Mine's sentence, when he said something like "If you share me, you can't I do the same?", it becomes awkward: first you're like "ah they finally found someone, this will end smoothly bittersweet" but yet, nothing comes from that, everyone is still jealous and nothing as changed, you don't understand what's happening, what will do the characthers, why there's no one who say something, you don't know what will come next and you're not sure where the mangaka want to get you, you know. And in the end, with the last chapter, you're feeling kind of weirdly heart-warming, despite everything... Isn't it amazing?
Sex Pistols
|Chapter 59.5 - Licensed| Seriously, I know this manga for years, and the OAV, and... I love it... this manga... The things I really love about this manga are: The real diversity of couples which always have totally different stories (also the possibility to see gay couples, men OR women, but also straight one); And the LOGIC in this manga, really well done, all the facts and details match. BUT the more enjoyable is: LENGHT. I mean MORE THAN 41 CHAPTERS!! AAAAAHHH! IT'S SO COOL! I'M DYING. Then the idea of humans evolving from other animals is unique (I always have been uncontrollably attracted by this matter about instinct, the human's animal/wild side, and so on. I really hate the social pressure, and this society where the human is prude, shocked by sex, too sanctimonious; obsessed with money and celebrity; think be superior and more intellegent compared to other species. Forgetting he's a animal too and doesn't really understand himself. In fact I hate the human race, they're too stupid, but that is my own problem) and gives a reasonable explanation for the instant attraction between certain characters (but just because the attraction is there, doesn't mean the love is, which I love about this series). My biggest fantasm is that this story would be real, I want to be a Madararui XD Well, even if... it's something you know, like: - Hey everybody, rignt now EVERYTHING is possible! We can love everyone! we can make babies with everyone! we can be humans but also embrace our primary instincts and be animals! no more gender! no more discrimination! no more worries! Yes, so everyone... LOVES and MAKES love with everyone, LET'S GOOOOOOO!! *wonderful world* ( ✧ A ✧ ) / =3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3 - It really looks like this manga was wrote by a revolutionary hippy on LCD but I still fckg love it X"D My only problem with this manga (drawing aside, which one can be really ugly sometimes, but well you get used) is that it's not a "real yaoi", we know they sleep together but the drawing is always soft, we don't really see anything or the scenes are succint, in fact, I really see it like a "not shy" shounen-ai. And I find it really fustrating.. On the one hand, it's probably a good thing because like this the plot is not only about sex (sometimes, more often than sometimes actually, it's really too much and it spoils the whole story). More here, since one of the main themes is the reproduction/breeding it would have been hard to escape from the "too much", making the manga as repetitive than obsessed, force it to become sickening. Thus without this matter the manga is more "serious", because it can be more profound, inner. But, on the other hand, it's a total waste, I mean, not to exploit the animal side in sex scene. And here, they could have been influenced by their respective type. Like: the bear oak tend to be really rough or really loving (they are agressive and impressive beast but big teddy bear when in love x]), the snake eye are sadist in bed, the nekomata love to bite and scratch, the dog deity are more excited in "doggy style" (LOL) and so on... or something like that XDD Yeah, I would have really liked to see it. [Ahhh..., Yonekuni, Kunimasa, Joshua, Seth and... ah... everyone is so... *grrrrr* (☆..☆)=3 I want to see more pregnancy announcement, the pregnancy itself, and babies everywhere ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ] Bordel ce manga que j'adore stagne depuis des années et là, tout à coup, 6 chapitres supplémentaires (avec des anciens dedans mais on s'en fout), putain j'étais tellement émue, je rigole pas, larme à l'oeil et tout. J'ai de graves problèmes, ça c'est de la passion les gens XD
Dekichatta Shitsuji
["Dekichatta Danshi" - "Dekichatta Shitsuji"] |Chapter 5| So so soo so soooo so cool! I really did not see it coming... it's wonderful!
|Chapter 7| A guy with a lot of misfortune who've been tricked by two assholes sempai's of "gardening club", Awesome XDD
Razoku no Hanayome
HOLLY SHIT! WHERE ARE THEY? I'LL GO ASAP XDDDDDDDDDDD It was a really stupid love story but so funny XDDDDDD
Hourou Musuko
It's really.. I don't know, I didn't realize and I was already into it. I want to know how it ends.
Love Diver