Ani No Chuukoku
I AM SO INTO THE BROTHERS, LIKE MAD XD I was reading chapter 1, really take a liking to them, and was already there "Oh my god, is there really 6 chapter about this?! Like really?!". On the last page, I was praying "Please another chapter about them, Please-please-pretty pleaaaaase!" and then "Noooooooooooooooooo~ It will be a manga of oneshooooooooots~" Rha fuck, why... the others stories were interesting, but... noooooooooooooooo~ dejected TT_TT
Takaga Koidaro
["Takaga Koidaro" - "Aiso Tsukashi"]
Kurui Naku No Wa Boku No Ban
["Kurui Naku No Wa Boku No Ban" - "Kurui Naku no wa Boku no Ban Beta"] |Chapter 8.5| K, I didn't understand all of it (translation or just complex, don't know) but, it's awesome, it looks really promising *o* Holy shit, this fast scanlation, chapters come out like nothing, this usually is so not the case that it gets almost weird XD Fuck it, it's going way too fast, they hated each other kind like all their live, you can't go over a trauma of your childhood time just like that, they need more time to begin to fall in love with each other and even way more time to realize it and moreover accept it (kinda "Ten Count" like). I even tought I missed a chapter somewhere. Damn, it's so fucking too bad, so too bad, too bad, too bad. It was sooooooooooooooo good man, like so easy to make it way better than this. Total disappointment. BUT there's a sequel, so I almost forgive, well not really, but I won't kick your ass xp
["Mods" - "Nights Before Night" - "His Little Amber"]