Warui Koto Bakkashite Gomennasai
[Vol 1 - "Warui Koto Shitai" Vol 2 - "Waruiko Demo Ii?" Vol 3 - "Kirai ja nai Kedo" Vol 4 - "Koi Ja nai Kedo" Oneshot - "Warui Koto Bakkashite Gomennasai" Vol 5 - "Warui Yatsu Demo Ii" Vol 6 - "Mujihi na Otoko" Vol 7 - "Warui Koibito ja Dame?" Vol 8 - "Kare Ja Nai Kedo..." Vol 9 - "Mujihi Na Anata!" Vol 10 - "Sunao Ja Nai Kedo..."]
Koi no Hanashi ga Shitai
A lot of oneshot maybe a little confusing but this was adorable. The oneshot with the SM man and the gay was HILAROUS, OMG this was so great I would liked a real serie for their couple, this couldn't be anything else than so so so so great! XDDDD
Kizudarake no Airabuyuu
Whaddafuck with Fumi-chan's hair and the trees?! XDDDD
So in fact, this manga is really, really, really a good one. No, really, but it'a a very complicated one... No-no-no-no, it's not, instead it's just confusing. And I think it's because of the introduction with the story of the dream about piano, wich one goes nowhere and nobody understand. So when you read the manga (well maybe not for you but it was my case anyway): the different stories go on (one day it's this couple then another, always changing), well what I want to say is, that it was fast and with minimal explanation, and you're like - "I think I understand little by little and also the way the mangaka want me to understand the title "Links" and their stories of all these couples, but... I don't understand... Why?! Am I sleepy? The translator didn't do a good work? I'm not in the mood for this kind of story right now? WTF is happening!? What is it?!" - And everytime the mangaka introduce you a new couple, a new story, you searching the "link" (indeed xp) with the First story of "piano dream", you're thinking about throughout the whole manga reading and it's that, that confuse you. - "who was it in the dream and beside who was the one dreaming? Is it in the past, the futur, the present? etc" - Well you're totally lost because the mangaka introduce you quickly and into small piece on purpose, and with minimal details, but plus, the less related couple to the introduction story up to the one who's the most, so you kind of understand the whole thing only at end, and the real "explanation", the "link" you've been shearching the whole time, about the introduction "dream piano", is appearing only at the very end of the manga, after the introduction of all couples. It's tiring to explain, I don't think I did it well, but one thing is sure, I think that you have to read this manga several time (OR I think just find the page with the portrait of the characters and read it first will really help you, plus in the portraits you find info that you don't see while reading the story, iy's reallly weird) to really understand the story, and what the mangaka want to show, say to you. And more you read it and understand the story , more you know the characters, the couple, more you can see the little details and thinkings, and appreciate this manga and the plot, the manner it was write is, for me, kind of magic, real poestry and beauty, it's kind of amazing.
Haikyuu!! - Runaway Sentiment (Doujinshi)
["Haikyuu!" - Kageyama x Hinata] I'm not into dj of the "shonen" manga I'm reading/anime I'm watching, cuz sometimes the couple digusts me (like NarutoxSasuke or ZoroxSanji, I just can't do it) or it's just disturbing me after when I go back to the real story. In fact I was just looking at the cover, and it was so well done... I started it (-_-)" I still don't want to pair them, but I'm amazed. It's crazy, it's really so like them, all of them! And it was so funny, I'm happy that nothing really happened between them because I was really into it so I could read it till the end XDD (sorry for those who wanted) Well just saying that some poeple really have talent, bravo!
Durarara!! dj - iToy
["Durarara!!" - Shizuo x Izaya] "Abnormal DNA" XDDD Izaya you're so stupid XDD
Koi O Hitokuchi
BWAHAHAHA XDDD It went nuts after the first chapter XDDDD The chapter 5 was so funny XDDD "Son Goku?" "Kasushi <3" *Sparkling* *drool* *nosebleed* XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Haikyu!! dj - Hyakumankai Ai o Sakebe
["Haikyuu!" - Iwaizumi x Oikawa]
Warui ko demo ii?